As you may know, my husband is an ophthalmic technician so he meets people every day who are dealing with visual issues. A few weeks ago he met with an 88 year old woman and her daughter.
She (I will call her D) had just been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. My husband being the friendly, caring and supportive guy that he is told them about me and how I should go into business consulting for people with low vision (an idea he and my mom have been kicking around for years!)
He told them about my blog and shortly after that I was contacted by D's other daughter (let's call her S.) She explained that her mother was interested in reading the New York Times and Boston Globe on a tablet. We set up a time to meet and that day was today.
What a great visit it was! A few days ago in preparation, I had downloaded the NY Times and Boston Globe apps onto my iPad. I was able to show them how it looks and how to zoom in and navigate through to different sections. She was mainly interested in a particular column in the opinion section, and the comics pages. :) I also showed them how to have the iPad speak your selected text. This woman is hard of hearing as well as losing her sight but she liked the idea of having it read aloud as she followed along reading.
I explained that it might take a while to get used to the touch screen commands but it was evident from how she responded while testing it out, that she will get the hang of it.
I know people 25 years her junior who are scared of technology. She is not.
She reminds me of my late Gramma Connie who, at 91 years old would send emails with animation, e-cards, and would IM with her daughters across the country. One time, Chip and I were visiting her and she was very upset because her computer had crashed and she was without it for about 2 days. Thanks to my Dad, uncle and aunts a replacement was soon attained and she was happy again!
During today's visit, D decided she wanted to go to the Apple Store and buy an iPad...Today!
I have to say that it feels pretty awesome to help someone out like this.
She obviously really enjoys reading her newspapers and has been struggling with it due to her vision. If that is something you do each and every day, you should not have to give it up if it can be rectified through technology. I loved her attitude and her eagerness to get started with her own iPad.
She and her daughter were very appreciative of me and we talked about being in touch and possibly meeting up again.
I am appreciative of them as well. First of all, I respect S for coming out from California and taking the time to understand her mother's needs and help her as best she can. And as for D...what a great lady! As I said, she reminded me of my grandmother and that was cool because it is always heart warming to think about Gramma Connie. Even some of the things she said could have come right out of Connie's mouth. For instance, when I explained the reason for the title of my blog "Are you looking at me?" she told me that when people ask me that question I should respond by saying "No...You are too ugly to look at!" I LOVED THAT!
Oh, and when they first arrived at my house and Chip was taking the kids out for a while, Ayla (who is 2 1/2 years old) insisted on giving each woman a high five!
It helped me to see that I can really make a difference. And that my demonstration of the iPad was good enough to get her to want one for herself! It is nice to sit down with people who are seeking advice and know I can help them just by showing them how I do things. I am not trying to conjure up information I learned from school or books. I am simply being me.
Maybe this consulting business isn't such a far fetched idea!
Not far fetched at all, my Heather. I bet you had a great time with those two women today.
You have so much information that you can share. I am so happy you had the opportunity to do so. I also hope that you get the chance to help others. Nag, nag, nag.
I am as always proud of you. You have a big heart, Heather. Love ya mints.
iConsult......I love it!
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