Tuesday, March 31, 2015

No Excuses

It's been a ridiculously long time since I have posted here. And I have no excuses. I have wanted to write so many times and never did. Now I am at the point where I feel like I will burst if I don't write... So here I am!

I think I have been "stuck" for a while. Stuck in the same old life routine. Going through the motions and getting very overwhelmed with all that there is to do... Cleaning, bills, laundry, holidays and birthdays, etc.   I waste time thinking and worrying about things not worth worrying about and/or are out of my control.  I am literally stuck in my house a lot which doesn't help.  I am very happy that warmer weather is just around the corner!

I have been thinking about how much my life has changed in the past decade. I used to live in the city and work long hours in the event planning field. I have never liked using my visual impairment as an excuse for anything. But in reality, the type of work I did caused strain on my eyes. Since it takes me longer to focus, it took me longer to get work done. Thus, I would work long hours, get exhausted and eventually get so overwhelmed and stressed that I would want to quit. 

 I was not consistent with my physical fitness during this time.  Sure I joined gyms and actually went sometimes. I participated in aerobics and yoga classes. I even joined a boot camp program that ran and exercised around Boston. (That was a killer but I enjoyed it.)   I was never satisfied  with my weight...never way too heavy but never quite as fit as I would have liked.
Fast forward to today.  I live in the suburbs, have a wonderful husband and two beautiful  girls.   I have a nice house which I find very difficult to keep organized.  I do not work full time but babysit often.  I have no desire to go back to working in the corporate world, straining my eyes at a computer screen (at least not right now!)  But as I said, I have been feeling "stuck" lately.   I have been feeling like I should be doing something meaningful. 

So...I have made a decision which I can already tell will change my life. 
I have become a Team Beachbody Coach!
Ok this does not mean I am trying to fi into a tiny bikini by the summer. If it happens that's great but that's not my goal.  I do want to feel healthier, stronger, happier, more energetic,  and more self-confident. I will be happy if I can rock a stylish one-piece at the beach!  While in Rockport, I want  to go into the shops and try on a cute sundress and feel lgood in it.  I do not want to look at pictures of myself and think I look chubby,

In a previous blog post I wrote about my experience with Focus T25. Well I did that (and loved it) and then stopped and let myself go a bit. Now I am in my 6th week of PIYO (a Pilates/yoga mix) and this time when I finish the 8 weeks, I will keep going with the advanced program. 
I will not make excuses. I can't! I am a coach now! I want to motivate others so I better keep it up!  It helps that I actually really LOVE PIYO! 
Since I can't drive myself to a gym and probably wouldn't even if I could, the DVD workout programs are perfect for me.  (I never felt comfortable at gyms.). I can plant myself in front of my 60 inch TV and pause it if I need to get a closer look.  I can workout on my own time....often right after putting the girls to bed. In the past six weeks I have lost about five pounds and can see a big difference physically and emotionally. I have been drinking Shakeology and it feels great to fill my body with such nutrition.As Chalene Johnson says exercising makes you a happier, healthier, and more patient person. She is so right. It has helped me to not get so overwhelmed when faced with various situations.  It is teaching me that I can change for the better. I like myself better when I feel happier. I feel happier when I exercise! It's a circular effect.   I have noticed myself being more patient with the kids, feeling more self-assured at social events, even ready to tackle household projects! 
So there are a number of reasons why I am excited to launch my own Team Beachbody business. It's something I can do without needing to get rides. It will not give me  headaches. It's all positive! I am on a team with my awesome sister, mom and cousin. We have all been working hard and motivating each other. And we are part of a bigger team with an amazing  team leader. She provides excellent training and support because she legitimately wants everyone to succeed. 
I am grateful to my sister for helping me realize that this was the right move for me!  I have seen how positive this experience has been for her in such a short period of time.   I am excited to see where this takes me!  I encourage others who might be feeling the way I was to consider joining me in this adventure!